Friday, September 17, 2010

How do I reboot my computer?

My computer have Windows 2000. What happens is that I start to nouns it up and it will say Hard Disk Not Found...Fail to Load Up. later it says to insert a disk and press enter...all right i dont have the disk it is conversation about but i have need of it to work. There was a nouns when it worked and now it doesn't spawn a sound. Is near any other way to fashion it work?

How do I reboot my computer?

The Only THink I can Think is booting into safe mode.

Or do a full system re-install
Your concrete disk has spoilt, which means the C: drive have broken.

If your computer is still under warranty, they will replace the frozen drive for free. If not, you'll have to buy a complicated drive (not a new computer) and reinstlal Windows.

If you will to recover the notes off the knotty drive, that's another story.
is your hard drive showing up contained by your bios on your pc,when you frist turn the workstation on you need to find the f2 esc or delete botton to shift into your pc setup within your bio's to see if the hard drive shows up surrounded by your bio's or not

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