Friday, September 17, 2010

How do I reinstall my compact disc Drive? Windows XP?

My disc drive wasn't working so I uninstalled it. I shut the computer down, restarted it, but Windows doesn't try to reinstall it and now it doesn't work. What am I supposed to do?

How do I reinstall my compact disc Drive? Windows XP?

Check for a disk that come with the hardware, first. If you enjoy it, use it. (Hopefully you have a working floppy drive)

Shut down your computer.

Disconnect the disc drive. Turn on your computer.

Turn off your computer.

Connect the disc drive.

If you're lucky, the system will detect it.

Otherwise, look up your specific device on google, and find the proper driver.

Of course, if the driver comes in the form of an iso, you'll call for to burn a CD to use it, which method a virtual drive.

If it comes to that, feel free to e-mail me. (e-mail is same as name)
If you own a hardware installation CD that come with your computer use it. but you can probably find drivers on the internet, be in motion you your system information and find what company makes the drive and what model it is and be in motion to their website.

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