How do you determine the timing on your knock against and what do the numbers anticipate?
Check the paper if you still have it, sometimes it states on at hand, or in the booklet/manual.
Also, here should be a sticker or #'s on the stick(s) itself. It may list it, or hold a model # as well as the company timetabled. You could try that company's website, or try typing in the #'s within google or some other search engine, and you will probably find some info on it.
If someone else set the computer up for you, it may be contained by the bios, if it's not set to auto.
The #'s basically mark out the latency and other speed details for the ram. It have to do with how speedy the ram is access. Higher quality run into will have lower latency than budget run into, not to mention higher trait can sometimes be overclocked to allow faster speeds.
Your best bet is to do a search for 'ram timings' or 'what are bump timings' on google or some other search engine.
A few links for you that will explain it best are:
Hope that help + Best of luck.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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