Friday, September 17, 2010

How do I replace my Emachines travel case next to a different one? Is it even possible?

How do I replace my Emachines travel case next to a different one? Is it even possible?

Yes, It is possible, though you'd own to take your computer entirely apart, and verbs everything over. I don't reccomend doing this if you aren't experienced in the A+ pen or if you don't have any DIY expericence, as you can render any parts of a computer useless near even the smallest discharge of static electricity (so small that you don't even feel it). If you really want to make over a case over, enjoy someone with experience do it (a friend more than a shop, as you will be charged relatively a bit for such a task). Also if you're shopping for a case you entail to know your motherboard form factor, the number of 5.25 and 3.5 bay's you need (dvd/cd drives & sturdy drives/ floppies respectively) and so on (expansion slots, supported on the case, etc). have a good amount of cases near easy to survey specs for what you need. I hope I minister to.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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