Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How much can the amd athlon 64 3200 939 box devotee switch?

I hold the processor described above and I'm thinking of upgrading it to a 4000 san diego, but I'm not sure whether or not I should get a unknown cooler for it. I can't find the athlon 64 4000 box where I live, so box cooler is not an preference. I have no intention of overclocking it.

How much can the amd athlon 64 3200 939 box devotee switch?

Your current cpu cooler is designed for a processor w/ 67Watts warmness dissipation. The Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego core is a 104 watter. It needs a bigger cooler unless you live surrounded by Alaska. If you can not find a box cooler, your alternative would be aftermarket coolers.

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