Friday, September 17, 2010

How do u restore an xp dell computer to its factory settings?

i enjoy lost the xp disk and i think i delete the system restore point

How do u restore an xp dell computer to its factory settings?

Hi superbartman71,

First off. Do you hold the Restore Disc that came near the computer? If not, you need to come by those from whom or the place to where you bought the computer.

Or you can simply buy XP (if the above it false) and install it approaching you would a new contraption.

However, you will need your System Drivers (most phone up this a Motherboard CD) and after you install XP, you put the Motherboard Cd in the cd and install those.

These can be found more next likely on the DELL site as very well.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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