Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How do you catch to the place where on earth you can mess beside the bump settings?

beacuse i hold been going through the computer bios to see if i can gain my ram to work. yes its the right type of bump and yes my computer can support 2gb and im adding 1gb to take 2gb.

How do you catch to the place where on earth you can mess beside the bump settings?

mobo should recognize your hit automatically and inform BIOS of what it has found.

unsurprisingly, if your ram isn't properly seated, it can't be familiar and so won't work.

the required ram specs are within your mobo's documentation. If you've lost the original documents, the mobo maker's website have 'em online for ya.

some mobos are not tolerant of different spec ram within different slots ... they read the ram contained by the first slot and expect all push to be of same type and specs.

you also have to gross sure you're putting the ram into the correct slots. for example, on my mobo, you can formulate 2 gb run in any of four 512 mb unit, two 1 gb units, or one 1gb plus two 512 mb unit -- BUT only if you put the unit into the correct slots as per the mobo instructions.

some older mobos own jumpers that enjoy to be set to tell the mobo how much bump to look for. my guess would be than no mobo capable of running 2 gb have that ancient feature and I can't guarantee what slop comes out of China.


The answers post by the user, for information lone, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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