Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do I extrect files from another sturdy drive?

My computer literally go on flames but most parts are in tact except for the monitor where on earth the sparks started. I took out the hard drive surrounded by hopes of finding a way to seize my very big files. Does anyone know how I can possibly retrieve my files?

How do I extrect files from another sturdy drive?

A simple way if you are worried give or take a few the hard drive or installing it..

Buy a external defence for approx 20 dollars. Hook it up and then it should show an external drive on your computer (in My Computer) and you can later browse/explore the contents.

copy and paste.

youre set. Works well brought-up to, to also test drives if they hold failed or you are unsure nearly them.

Of course where the files are located you will hvae to find for example.. if they are on the desktop you hold to go to my computer, documents and settings, (user) , desktop etc.

You can also follow the answer below and bring in sure your drive in your computer is set to Master. OR pullover cable settings. Then the grey ribbon in your computer the master should be on the top connector and the slave on the bottom. The drive you are putting contained by should be either on Jumper settings or Slave.
Depending on the drive produce, and the other system you are going to use. Look at the drive to see if you have little jumper to set it a a slave drive. Connect it to the other system ribbon cable and power and boot up. It should see that drive as a D: drive. You can then browse to the files and folders and copy them stale.

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